*Fishing in India is a major industry employing 145 million people. India ranks second in aquaculture and third in fisheries production. Fisheries contribute to 1.07% of the Total GDP of India. According to the National Fisheries Development Board the Fisheries Industry generates export earnings of Rs 334.41 billion. Centrally sponsored schemes will increase exports by Rs 1 lakh crore in FY25. 65,000 fishermen have been trained under these schemes since year 2017 to year 2020. Freshwater consists 55% of total fish production.

Fishing in India contributed over 1 percent of India's annual gross domestic product in 2008. Fishing in India employs about 14.5 million people. To harvest the economic benefits from fishing, India has adopted exclusive economic zone, stretching 200 nautical miles (370 km) into the Indian Ocean, encompasses more than 2 million square kilometers.
Fish can contain harmful chemicals called contaminants. These chemicals can cause long-lasting health problems. Contamination of marine organisms from human activities can come from different sources such as accidental spills from offshore platforms, aquaculture and shipping lines, or from waste spread to the marine waters via land-based activities, such as agriculture or discharge from urban areas. Fish take in these substances in several ways, and their contaminant levels depend on factors like species, size, age and location.
Fish is a highly perishable commodity. If it isn’t maintained at the proper temperature of 5 degree Celsius, it gets spoilt. To avoid that and increase its shelf life, the sellers now use chemicals such as formalin and ammonia. If the point of sale is far from the place of catch, formalin is used as a preservative. Meanwhile, ammonia is mixed with the water that is frozen to keep fish fresh.
Once the quality of the fish is allowed to deteriorate, it can never be regained. This means that everyone involved in the fishing business, from the fisher at the point of capture, through the processor to the vendor at the point of sale, must understand how to maintain quality in order to get the best possible price for the products. There are four basic requirements for maintaining quality of fish products.

An essential component of seafood marketing is maintaining safe, high quality products. Seafood is highly perishable, and if not handled and prepared correctly, it can lead to foodborne illnesses when it is consumed. Demand for local seafood has grown, in part, because consumers believe locally caught seafood is fresher, is less chemically contaminated, and is of higher quality than imported products. While this increased demand for local product is beneficial for alternative seafood marketing efforts, fishermen need to remain diligent about seafood safety.
VManifest visualizes that food safety is of utmost importance for human survival. We provide periodic safety and hygiene audit services and health check up services through the use of software/app assisted processes. We also provide testing services through the use of NABL accredited laboratories and regular training to various stakeholders through periodic programs. To compliment these services, we also give a platform for consumers to view said training and audit outcomes and provide feedback. These systems are manned by professionals who are experts in their respective domains.